Vinçotte, an accredited company

Quality under control. #


Why are Vinçotte's services not ISO 9001 certified, although they are ISO 17020 accredited? ISO 9001 does not directly relate to Vinçotte's inspection and certification services. After all, quality reference systems exist that are specific to the various services offered by Vinçotte.

The 5 key standards are:

ISO/IEC 17020

General criteria for the operation of various types of institutions conducting inspections

ISO/IEC 17021

Requirements for institutions that conduct the audit and certification of management systems

ISO/IEC 17025



General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories

General principals & requirements for validation & verification bodies.

ISO/IEC 17065

Requirements for certification bodies that issue certificates to products, processes and services

Vinçotte is accredited on the basis of these 4 standards. These accreditations guarantee that Vinçotte delivers efficient, high-performance services at an organisational and technical level. Vinçotte's competency is regularly audited. Vinçotte's services are also recognised by various national and international bodies.

Our inspection services are additionally VCA certified. This guarantees that all our services are conducted with the maximum safety and minimum risk of accident. Click on the links below to view the accreditation certificates and VCA certificate.

Statutory inspections (v41 – 11/24)

Inspection Services (v40 - 01/25)

Laboratories (v24 - 01/25)

Certification Services (v52 - 01/25)