RD Industrial Radiography

Dear Customer,

On 03/04/2023, the new 'Royal Decree on Industrial Radiography' was published. We would like to inform you about this publication and provide additional information.

Following this decree, a working group was established by the NDT (Non-Destructive Testing) companies and Controlatom. This group supported the FANC (Federal Agency for Nuclear Control) in drafting the decree and streamlined certain aspects to ensure that all NDT customers receive the same information.

Below, you will find three items with additional information.

Vinçotte remains at your disposal for further inquiries and for carrying out Industrial Radiography.

Flyer For NDT customers (in Dutch):

This flyer was prepared by the FANC and you may have already received it if you frequently carry out radiography. The QR code directs you to the FANC website for additional information.

Royal Decree customer information

The working group has prepared this informative letter to provide a concise presentation of the decree for you. There will be significant changes in the application and execution of Industrial Radiography starting from 03/04/2024.

Note that in this document, there are two hyperlinks leading to the FANC website where you can find all information, including the decree itself and accompanying texts.

Flowchart industrial radiography and location

This flowchart offers clarification on justifying a radiography request and determining its location. Details about what this justification and location entail can be found on page 2.