Innovation in tank inspection techniques

Thanks to our innovative applications, Vinçotte delivers high-quality inspection and analysis of your storage tanks.

A short overview!

Crawler #

Our robotic crawler provides safer, faster and more comprehensive corrosion mapping of your tanks and also goes where humans cannot easily access.

The benefits summed up

  • Safety first: Keeps workers away from hazards and prevents entering confined spaces.
  • See more, know more: This Ultrasonic application allows us to capture detailed data. Advanced data analysis reveals hidden issues and predicts potential problems
  • Faster turnaround time: Inspections are carried out in a fraction of the time, so downtime for the company is minimal.

RVI drones #

RVI drones offer a revolutionary approach to assessing storage tanks.

RVI drones capture detailed data from hard-to-reach areas while personnel remain safely on the ground. This translates into faster inspections and minimises operational disruptions.

Equipped with high-resolution cameras and advanced sensors, RVI drones provide a panoramic view of your entire tank, revealing even the smallest defects.

Once a drone detects a potential problem, we can analyse it further with our ADV NDT techniques (crawlers, etc...).

PEC (Pulse Eddy Current) inspection #

Traditionally, inspecting storage tanks for hidden flaws involved time-consuming and risky manual methods. Wit PEC (Pulse Eddy Current) inspection, a revolutionary technology, this can be done faster and safer.PEC utilizes electromagnetic pulses to penetrate tank walls, revealing hidden corrosion, cracks, and other defects – all without the need for extensive preparations.

PEC benefits #

  • Unparalleled accuracy: Provides an overall picture of the wall thickness reduction, after which the customer can remove the insulation and we can detect minuscule faults using other techniques.
  • Faster turnaround times: Reduces inspection time significantly, minimizing operational downtime and boosting efficiency.
  • Cost-effective: Saves on unnecessary removal of insulation material for inspection.
  • Predictive maintenance: Identifies potential issues early on, allowing for proactive repairs and preventing costly failures.

By embracing PEC inspection, you can gain valuable insights into the health of your storage tanks, optimize asset management, and ensure the safety and reliability of your operations.

Floorscan #

Ensuring your storage tank integrity with Floor Scans.

Keeping your storage tanks healthy starts with a thorough inspection, but traditional methods often leave blind spots. This innovative technology of Floor Scan utilizes electromagnetic waves to map the base of your tank, revealing potential issues like:

  • Corrosion: Identify early signs of thinning and potential leaks before they escalate.
  • Debris: During the inspection, we can visually locate and remove foreign objects that could damage the tank floor or interfere with product quality.

Floor Scans offer a faster, safer, and more comprehensive alternative to traditional methods, promoting proactive maintenance and ensuring the longevity and safety of your storage tanks.

You can read more about Floorscan technology here!

Contact us today and find out how all these innovations can revolutionise your tank inspection process!

Send us an e-mail!