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EMAS - European Environmental Management and Audit Scheme

Do you want to have an evaluation of the environmental performance of your organisation to be carried out and a report on the same to be drawn up, in order thereby to ensure its improvement? Do you know the requirements that apply to the environmental management system in your company? We, as accredited environmental inspection body, conduct the audits that you require in order to obtain your EMAS registration.

If you have questions about the certification status of a company, feel free to contact us at

EMAS is a voluntary environmental management and environmental audit system to assess and improve the environmental performance of organisations, and to provide relevant information to the public and other interested stakeholders.

Based on the various types of decrees, our experts determine whether the environmental management system, the environmental audit procedure as well as the environmental declaration fulfil the requirements of the Regulation (EC) No. 1221/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25th November 2009 on the voluntary participation of organisations in a Community Eco-Management and Environmental Audit Scheme (EMAS), that the information and data in the environmental declaration are reliable, and that they effectively handle all significant environmental issues relating to your organisation.

Thus our experts carry out an audit of your organisation, conduct interviews with your employees, and study the documentation, data and information obtained during the audit. We perform these services for you as an environmental inspecting body accredited by BELAC, under number BE-V-0016 EMAS.

The EMAS validation declaration of Vinçotte makes an organisation eligible for official registration as an EMAS organisation by the competent Belgian authorities, and by the European Commission.


REGULATION (EC). No. 1221/2009 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL dated 25th November 2009 relating to the voluntary participation of organisations in a community eco-management and audit scheme (EMAS)

Norms and Standards

Vinçotte has been accredited as an environmental verifier by BELAC (BE-V-0016 EMAS)

EMAS is beneficial to all organisations: society, company, firm, undertaking, authority or institution, or a combination of the same, with or without a legal personality, under private or public law, with its own structure and administration.

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