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Verification of Sustainability Report

For your company, the verification or assurance of your sustainability report by Vinçotte means an independent confirmation of the reliability of the reported information concerning your social and environmental performance.

We will determine together with you how the verification will be carried out. We shall determine the level of verification, limited or extensive, depending on your ambition and budget. If required we can develop a multi-year strategy for external verification. Thus for example, we may start with a limited verification, and your company will be prepared for an extensive verification in the long term.

For a limited verification, we will make a proposal of the environmental or social information that we will verify, based on a risk analysis.

In all cases, you will receive a “verification or assurance statement” that you can attach to your sustainability report. In addition, a confidential report will also be provided to you in which the verification operations carried out will be described, and in which, proposals will be made for further improvement of the internal procedures and of the sustainability report in general.

Thanks to a verified sustainability report:

  • You can build a solid reputation as a sustainable company.
  • You can distinguish yourself from your competitors in a global economy.
  • You can prepare for new regulations concerning the reporting and verification of non-financial information.
  • You can identify options to improve the CSR performance of your company.
  • It will be possible for you to consolidate and strengthen your market position by responding to the trend for sustainable procurement by the government.
  • You can share your Corporate Social Responsibility with the outside world.
  • You will increase the transparency of your sustainability report.


European proposal for the reporting of non-financial and diversity information by large companies.

Norms and Standards

Global Reporting Initiative (GRI G4), AA1000AS assurance standard

This service is for all companies, from multinationals to SMEs that pay attention to their Corporate Social Responsibility.

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